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Spanish club enjoy a game of Bingo.

In the last couple of weeks, in Spanish club, the children have been learning how to order drinks. It seemed only natural, this week, to follow up with learning vocabulary to order food, too. After hearing about some of the different foods and practising how to say them the children were only too happy to find out what they could remember by playing Bingo, Yeay!

¡Listos, preparados, ojos abajo! - Ready, set and eyes down!

It wasn’t long before everyone was checking their cards (and each other’s) to see if they could win. Amidst cries of “I only need three more…”, “this food is making me feel hungry…”, “I only need two more…”, “I think I’ll ask for an omelette when I get home…”, and “I only need ONE more!...” it wasn’t long before the inevitable cry ...BINGO!!! Well done Evie, this week’s winner.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t time for another game but maybe next week we can have another go.

¡Hasta luego, adiós!
