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KS2 perform at the Fuse.

Our Junior children delighted the audience at the Fuse theatre with their incredible performances in their Easter production of “Staggering Stanley”. It was fantastic to see the children performing with such enjoyment and enthusiasm; really rising to the challenge and putting on such a professional show!

Each child, from our mini minions (year three) to our fantastically talented year six cast shone on the stage, and all of the children contributed to an amazing performance. It is always such a joy to see the children on stage often discovering confidence (and comic timing!) they may not have known they had; and having so much fun alongside their friends. The Fuse theatre was certainly full of extremely proud parents and teachers who enjoyed a truly unforgettable show. A huge well done to all of our fantastic Junior children!

'I think it is safe to say that last night's junior production was an enourmous success! The children were absolutely incredible! I am sure they have made you all very proud. The confidence the children have shown to go on stage and perform is truly inspiring! Well done everyoune!' Mr Smart 
